Hans Flick

Barca’s Pivot Conundrum: Flick’s Perspective and the La Masia Duo

Ah, the timeless debate about FC Barcelona’s need for a pivot. As if we needed another reason for endless football discussions over tapas and cervezas. Flick, however, seems to think otherwise.

The German manager, with the steely resolve of a seasoned tactician, declared that he is content with his current midfield options. And why wouldn’t he be? With an army of talented youngsters and a few veterans on the mend, Flick’s got his bases covered—or so he believes.

Now, let’s talk about the youngsters. Names like Casadó and Bernal have been thrown around like confetti at a wedding. These two have been honing their skills in the filial, and Flick seems to have faith in them. In a recent pre-season match against Milan, Bernal came on in the second half and turned the game around. His ball-handling skills were nothing short of mesmerizing—like watching a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat.

Bernal himself is quite the humble chap. “Me siento mejor jugando de seis, pero también puedo jugar de interior,” he said, probably with a grin that could light up the Camp Nou. This kid’s versatility is just what Flick needs in a dynamic, fast-paced game. Casadó, on the other hand, has been a workhorse, playing 241 out of 270 possible minutes in pre-season. That’s almost 90%, for those keeping score at home. His stamina and dedication make him a prime candidate for Flick’s midfield orchestra.

But let’s not forget the injured trio: Pedri, De Jong, and Gavi. Pedri is nearing the end of his recovery from a knee sprain suffered during the Euros. Flick is optimistic that he’ll be fit for the start of the season. De Jong, however, remains a bit of a mystery. His conservative treatment for an ankle sprain has fans biting their nails. Gavi? Well, Gavi is Gavi—always a wildcard, but one that can change the game in an instant.

In a last-ditch effort during the pre-season, Flick tried using Christensen as a pivot. Spoiler alert: it didn’t go well. The Danish defender looked like a fish out of water, struggling to keep up with the pace and fluidity Flick demands. This forced Casadó and Gündogan to drop deeper, disrupting the team’s rhythm and making Flick wish he had a time machine to undo that decision.

So, do Barca need a new pivot? Flick says no, and he’s putting his faith in the La Masia graduates and the returning injured players. It’s a gamble, no doubt. But if it pays off, it could be a masterstroke worthy of a place in the annals of Barca lore.

In the end, Flick’s decision is as audacious as it is calculated. He’s banking on the raw talent and potential of his young guns, backed by the seasoned brilliance of his veterans. Whether this will be enough to navigate the tumultuous waters of the upcoming season remains to be seen. But one thing’s for sure: it’s going to be one heck of a ride.

Source(s): Flick zanja el debate sobre el pivote: “Tengo suficientes jugadores en esa posición”

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