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Medusa’s Tentacles on Barça’s Shorts

Imagine this: FC Barcelona’s iconic shorts, now adorned with an ad for a disinfectant company. A sight that might make you chuckle or scratch your head in wonder.

FC Barcelona, a club known for its rich history and dazzling football, has decided to take the plunge into new territory. The revered Blaugrana shorts will now feature a sponsorship from Medusa, a company specializing in surface disinfectants. Yes, you read that right – disinfectants. The partnership, approved by Barcelona’s board, promises to bring in a tidy sum of 15 million euros over three years. But beyond the monetary gain, one can’t help but wonder: does this sponsorship make any sense?

Medusa is no ordinary disinfectant brand. Hailing from the United Arab Emirates, it boasts products that offer protection against viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, for up to 10 days. Their secret weapon? DDAC, an ingredient effective against various enveloped viruses like hepatitis B and HIV. Impressive, but how does this align with the essence of FC Barcelona?

For starters, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. The world is still grappling with the aftermath of the pandemic, and hygiene is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Barcelona seizing the opportunity to promote cleanliness and health can be seen as a socially responsible move. After all, who wouldn’t want to associate with products that promise to keep us safe?

However, some might argue that the connection between a football club and a disinfectant company is tenuous at best. Where’s the synergy? How does Medusa’s brand narrative enhance the story of FC Barcelona? The answer lies in the broader perspective. Both entities are striving for excellence in their fields. While one aims to dominate the football world, the other seeks to protect it from invisible threats.

Moreover, this partnership opens up a dialogue on the evolving nature of sports sponsorships. Traditionally, we associate football clubs with sponsors from industries like sportswear, beverages, and automotive. But in today’s world, where health and safety are paramount, a disinfectant company partnering with a football giant is not as far-fetched as it seems.

Expert opinions are divided. Marketing gurus laud Barcelona’s innovative approach, highlighting its potential to set a trend. Meanwhile, traditionalists lament the departure from conventional sponsorships. Yet, one cannot deny the ripple effects of such a move. It challenges other clubs to think outside the box, to forge partnerships that align with current global priorities.

So, while the sight of Medusa’s logo on Barça’s shorts might take some getting used to, it’s a bold step towards intertwining sports with health advocacy. It’s a reminder that in football, as in life, adaptability is key.

So what do you think of our new sponsor?

Source(s): Medusa, la firma que se anunciará en el pantalón del Barça

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